Frequently Asked Questions

You probably have questions about ORCA.  Here are some answers to commonly-asked questions.  If the information you're looking for is not listed here, please go to our Contact page and let us know.

Q: I'm in Sheboygan County.  Can I join the Ozaukee Regional Chess Association?  Is there a benefit?
A: Yes!  We're a regional association and are here to support interest in chess in Ozaukee, Sheboygan and Washington counties.  If you're a chess player, please consider joining ORCA.  When you're an ORCA member, you receive discounts to all ORCA-sponsored tournaments and other events!

Q: Where can I play chess in Ozaukee County?
A: ORCA sponsors open chess in two different locations!  Every Monday night in Port Washington at Java Dock Cafe, and the second Thursday of every month at the Thursday Knights group in Mequon.

Q: Do I have to be a member of the United States Chess Federation (USCF) to participate in ORCA events?
A: It depends.  Anyone is welcome to attend ORCA's two club locations (Port Washington and Mequon) at no cost.  ORCA sponsors various kinds of chess tournaments, ranging from free tournaments with no USCF membership requirement to official USCF tournaments where USCF membership is required and an entry fee is charged.  More information about USCF membership and the benefits thereof can be found at

Q: How do I become a member of ORCA?
A: You may apply for ORCA membership by completing and submitting an application to the address provided on the membership application form, along with the appropriate membership dues amount.  A PDF version of the application can be obtained on our Membership page.

Q: What benefits do I receive for becoming a member of ORCA?
A: Your ORCA membership dues help support ORCA's mission, which is to promote chess as an educational and recreational activity in Ozaukee County and surrounding areas.  In addition, members in good standing are eligible to receive a discount in each ORCA-sponsored tournament where an entry fee is charged.

Q: Are my donations to ORCA tax-deductible?
A: While ORCA is operated as a not-for-profit organization, donations to ORCA are not tax deductible at this time.

Q: How can I keep apprised of ORCA activities?
A: This site ( will be updated periodically with current information.  In addition, ORCA activities and notices can be received by inviting "Ozaukee Chess" to be your friend on Facebook or by following "ORCA_Chess" on Twitter.   In addition, you can get on the email mailing lists for the Port Washington and Mequon clubs by sending an email request to or .

Q: Who do I contact if I have a question that is not covered on this site or in these FAQ?
A: Send an email to to get a direct reply.